Hrušov aka Hrušovský hrad-Skalka-Hostie

Life is sometimes slow and easy like this small hike that I digged out of old GPX records as far as my Garmin goes. I’m not sure whether I’d still have pictures of this available but this was a small gorgeous castle ruins on top of a small hill at Tribeč Range in Nitra Region. There was a relatively longer Hike I did with my best friend but I don’t remember the name of that mountain. I will try finding that if I can and post GPX.

Hrušovský aka Hrušov hrad is located in a small cute village named Hostie. I walked up the ridge from the parking lot, it wasn’t that steep and elevation grade is at almost 10% so not so bad. The GPS Co-ordinates of the location are N48°27’3” E18°26’16”.

Located several kilometers north of Topoľčianky in the Tribeč Mountains of western Slovakia, the ruins of Hrušov Castle stand atop Skalka Mountain at an elevation of 488 meters.

This royal castle, constructed in the 13th century, once guarded the trade route crossing the Tribeč mountain range. Although it was destroyed by the Imperial army in 1708 and has remained in ruins since, its surviving walls create a romantic atmosphere and offer a beautiful panoramic view of the Tribeč and Pohronský Inovec Mountains.

To reach the castle, you can hike from the village of Skýcov along the green-marked trail, which takes about an hour. Alternatively, you can start your hike from Topoľčianky or Jedľové Kostoľany.

This post was last modified on October 3, 2024 11:42 am

Sandhu Harpreet


Published by
Sandhu Harpreet

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